Kay Kizo Hiramine, LL.D
The Lord has led me to be a servant leader in a number of non-profits (NGOs), churches and
companies. I am a serial entrepreneur who also has been inspired to be a philanthropic impact
investor to create sustainable jobs for the poor in many needy places around the world. Between
2001-2013, my company donated over $44 million to humanitarian and missions organizations. I
have been a board member or advisory role of the following organizations: ORU (Oral Roberts
University), The Caring People, Lausanne Committee for World Evangelism Global Strategy
Committee Member, Stop Child Trafficking, Humanitarian International Services Group, Vision for
the Nations Fellowship – just to name a few.
My gift is to build through leadership relationships that catalyze communities & teams to fulfill global initiatives.
I can help you and your organization with the following: Strategic level consultation, organizational
development, international expansion planning, mission alignment, event planning and execution,
Board development, marketing, resource mobilization through sales and donor development, talent
acquisition, key relationship networking and partnership development.
Some past performance that we can bring to bear for your organization:
From 1992-1999, I helped launch the Wagner Institute that mobilized millions of Christians to pray
for the lost around the world. Coordinated and catalyzed Praying Through the Window Campaigns –
85 million in 1995 praying together for the unreached people groups. Led a high impact team that
ran hundreds of conferences, seminars and summits numbering from 25 to 13,000 people. Started
Wagner Publishing, a publishing company with 25 authors and over 30 titles, selling 110,000 copies
per year. Opened The Arsenal, an on-line store with hundreds of titles, specializing in prayer and
spiritual warfare. Started an international training school – Wagner Institute for Practical Ministry –
now known as Wagner Leadership Institute. Started the Accreditation of Christian Education
Association, accrediting 150+ independent Bible colleges and Schools globally. Raised $8M for
World Prayer Center facility. Increased annual revenue from $125,000 to $13M in 7 years.
In 1991,at the Charles E. Fuller Institute for Church Growth and Evangelism (CEFI), I managed five
sales people, organized 300+ seminars in Church Growth and Evangelism. Speakers included; C.
Peter Wagner, Rick Warren, Dale Galloway, John Maxwell et al. Led eight in-house customer service
representatives that handled on-line resource orders and event registrations. Initiated International
events and resources sales. Increased sales from $1.5M to $9M in one year.
The Kingdom of God is all about relationships. My passion is to “netweave” these Kingdom
relationships for His Glory and the advancement of His Kingdom.